Subject |
Fespixon's clinical meaningfulness as a macrophage-regulation new drug compared with other DFU treatments has been reviewed and published in Pharmaceutics. |
- Date of occurrence of the event:2022/09/28
- Company name:ONENESS BIOTECH CO., LTD.
- Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or ”subsidiaries”):head office
- Reciprocal shareholding ratios:NA
- Cause of occurrence:
Fespixon (research code:ON101) is a first-in-class macrophage-regulating new drug for topical use that accelerates wound healing by rebalancing M1 and M2 macrophages to improve the immune environment of DFUs. This review article investigated the role of macrophages in the DFU healing process and looked into the correlation between macrophages and other investigational products or stem cell therapies. Comparatively, Fespixon has strong clinical evidence and can provide a more favorable therapeutic option for DFU treatments. This article has been accepted and published by a renowned SCI journal, Pharmaceutics (Impact factor: 6.525).
- Countermeasures:None
- Any other matters that need to be specified:
(1)Fespixon has significant efficacy in wound healing. The Phase III multi-regional clinical trial results and novel mechanism have been published in the global leading journal-JAMA Network Open(Impact factor: 13.366) and in JID Innovations, an SCI journal issued by Society for Investigative Dermatology (SID) and European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR). These reveal the superior efficacy and scientific evidence of Fespixon. This recently published review article illustrates the importance of novel mechanism of macrophage-regulating in treating DFUs and will increase the understanding by the global DFU specialists on Fespixon's therapeutic effect and its novel mechanism as a new option for DFU treatment to benefit global DFU patients.
(2)The scientific values and internal exposure of the new drug pipelines can be increased via publication on leading SCI journals.
(3)The article is available online on Pharmaceutics: