ESG Awards and Highlights

Top 5% of Taiwan Corporate Governance Evaluation for Three Consecutive Years 


The results for the 10th Corporate Governance Evaluation has been announced on April 30, 2024. Oneness ranks among top 5% in the TPEx-listed category and the top 10% of listed companies with a market capital of 10 billion TWD or more in the non-finance and non-electronics industry, recognizing Oneness’s excellent performance and efforts in corporate governance and sustainability.

The Corporate Governance Evaluation, annually organized by Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taipei Exchange , are mainly carried out in 4 major dimensions, including “protecting shareholders' rights,” “enhancing board structure and operation”, “increasing information transparency”, and “putting corporate social responsibility into practice”, to evaluate the performance on corporate governance. According to the organizer's statistics, a total of 754 TPEx-listed companies were evaluated in the 10th Corporate Governance Evaluation. Based on the scores, the Evaluation was divided into seven grades, containing the top 5%, 6% -20%, 21% -35%, etc. It was a privilege for Oneness to be ranked among the top 5%. Read more about our achievement.

ESG Highlights


  • The Nanchou Plant obtained ISO 14001:2015 Environment Management System certification. The disposal process and management of waste gas, waste water, wastes and toxic substances, and pollution prevention all in compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • The Nanchou Plant has received the outstanding performance award of Pingtung County Green Procurement for Private Businesses and Organizations for 4 consecutive years. In 2023, the amount spent on green procurement reached 4.87 million.
  • Oneness annually conducts ISO 14064-1 GHG inventory and the 3rd-party verification for the companies included in the consolidated financial report since 2021, ahead of schedule in the "Sustainable Development Guidemap for TWSE- and TPEx-Listed Companies ".
  • In September 2023, the Nanchou Plant established a solar power facility, with a generation capacity of 54,336 kWh by the end of the year.


  • Oneness has been included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for 2 consecutive years, and was the only Taiwan biotech company to receive this honor.
  • The Nanchou Plant has been certified according to ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, to build a healthy and safe workplace.
  • To improve supply chain sustainability, 47 suppliers signed the “Supplier CSR Commitment Letter”.
  • Created an inclusive and equitable workplace, with female employees accounting for 57% of total employees promoted in 2023.
  • Promoted drug accessibility by donating 12 tubes of FESPIXON® Cream and 270 tubes of Bonvadis® Cream to underprivileged patients in 2023.


  • Oneness has been ranked among the Top 5% in the TPEx-listed category and the Top 10% among listed companies with a market capital of 10 billion TWD or more in the non-finance and non-electronics industry for 3 consecutive years (2022-2024).
  • Oneness was selected as a member of S&P Global "Sustainability Yearbook 2024", and was the only Taiwan biotech company has been selected for 2 consecutive years.
  • Oneness is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System, to improve product quality and safety comprehensively.
  • Oneness was awarded Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System TIPS certification from the Institute of Taiwan Industry to safeguard the intellectual property management system.


Oneness was selected as a component of the DJSI Emerging Markets Index, becoming the first pharmaceutical company in Taiwan to be included
Member of the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook for 2 consecutive years
Oneness was recognized by S&P Global as the Industry Mover
Ranked among Top 5% in the Corporate Governance Evaluation for 3 consecutive years
Member of Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI) for 2 consecutive years
2019 Taipei Biotech Awards, Innovation Bronze Medal Award (Note)
2016 13th National Innovation Award, Corporate Innovation Award, Bio-pharmaceutical and New Medical Technology Group (Note)
2016 Drug Research and Development Science and Technology Award Co-Hosted by MOHW and MOEA - Bronze Medal Award (Note)
2016 Drug Research and Development Science and Technology Award Co-Hosted by MOHW and MOEA - Bronze Medal Award
2014 National Biotechnology and Medical Care Quality Award - Bronze Medal Award for Health Food Group, Nutrient Health Food Category
2013 Taipei Biotech Awards - Silver Medal Award for Technology Transfer
Certificate of 2010 Symbol of National Quality


Note: Oneness Biotech merged with Fountain BioPharma in 2019 and inherited its rights and obligations.

道琼永续新兴市场指数 In 2023, Oneness was selected as a component of the DJSI Emerging Markets Index, becoming the first pharmaceutical company in Taiwan to be included.
Oneness Biotech ranked A in MSCI ESG Rating.
The ESG performance of Oneness Biotech is recognized by FTSE Russell and has been included into FTSE4Good Index Series.
Oneness Biotech ranked the top 13th percentile among the 899 global pharmaceutical companies assessed. 

※The above content is taken from the ESG Report




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