Chemical Substances and Waste Management

Oneness Biotech is committed to creating a sustainable environment for the next generation, and we support the concept of a circular economy as we maximize the efficiency of resource usage through chemical substance management, waste reduction and recycling. In addition to monitoring various environmental indicators at the factory to ensure compliance with all environmental regulations, the dedicated Environmental Health and Safety team continuously promotes improvement plans. This effort aims to minimize environmental impact and move towards the goal of “Zero Pollution”.


Chemical Substance Management

As a leading drug R&D company in Taiwan, we strictly control the chemical substances used in our products and processes. The use of safe chemicals is not only the key to maintaining product quality and protecting human health, but also reduces environmental pollution in subsequent waste management and enhances the safety of waste disposal personnel. Oneness introduced the ISO 9001 quality management system and obtained the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare certification PIC/S GMP for APIs, PIC/S GMP and GDP, as well as ISO 13485 for Medical Device Quality Management System. Through strict procedures such as the third-party laboratory testing, audits by specialized personnel, management system audits and review, we are able to implement the control of the sources to achieve comprehensive management of the drug life cycle.


Product Composition The main ingredient in the product is natural herbs; no harmful substances are added. Or substances listed as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) or restricted substances under the EU Product Composition REACH regulation, ingredient details can be referenced in the product specification sheet.
Process Management None of the substance of very high concern (SVHC) or REACH restricted substances are used in the production process.


Waste Management

Oneness Biotech’s waste is divided into three categories: domestic waste of business employees, general industrial waste, and hazardous industrial waste. The domestic waste of business employees generated by business activities and production processes includes general waste such as fallen leaves collected around the plant that is cleaned and transported by the municipal unit of Pingtung County. General industrial waste includes waste paper, kitchen waste, and general waste from business activities, which can only be removed by approved transportation and disposal companies. Hazardous industrial waste is mainly composed of infectious waste mixtures and flammable industrial waste. Infectious waste is produced in the laboratory. It is sterilized by high temperatures, and then handed over to qualified operators for incineration. Flammable industrial waste is the solvent used during the production process, which was handed over to qualified waste treatment companies for incineration in the past. In order to move towards circular economy, the treatment of waste solvents was shifted to physical recycling since September 2020. To move towards a circular economy, the treatment of waste solvent from the process was changed from incineration to physical recycling in September 2020. In 2023, we further evaluated the recovery of the ethanol waste liquid generated in the process, and distilled and purified it before using it for equipment cleaning, enhancing the efficiency of the use of resources.




※The above content is taken from the ESG Report




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