Environmental Management Systems

Environmental & OHS Policy and Commitments

We actively engage in mutually beneficial interactions with stakeholders, including our employees, suppliers, contractors, and other stakeholders, which serve as the foundation for the formulation of environmental and occupational health & safety policies. The Policies are approved and signed by the Chairman of the Board. ISO 14001 Environmental Management and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems have been adopted for our manufacturing plants. We have further made a firm pledge to observe and implement relevant policies.


Environmental Policy

  • Compliance with regulations and standards and mitigation of operational risks
  • Protection of natural resources and realization of green operations
  • Promotion of sustainable procurement and minimization of environmental impacts
  • Marketing of green products and creation of competitive advantages
  • Implementation of sustainability improvements and enhancement of environmental performance


Occupational Health and Safety Policy

  • Compliance with regulations and standards and implementation of health and safety
  • Responsible care and fulfillment of social responsibility
  • Cultivation of a culture of sustainability and realization of diversity and equality
  • Promotion of communication and participation in continuous improvement 
  • Prevention and management of risk and enhancement of OHS performance


We are deeply committed to implementing our environmental and occupational health and safety policies by adopting the following approaches

  1. Meeting or surpassing applicable regulations, standards and stakeholder demands in the fields of environmental protection and health & safety, mitigation of operational risks, and safeguarding employee rights.
  2. Adoption of eco-friendly actions, enhancement of energy and resource use efficiency, reinforced controls at the source, waste reduction and recycling and pollution control measures, ongoing improvement of environmental performance, and pursuit of the goal of a circular economy.
  3. Constant monitoring of global climate change trends, assessment of risks and opportunities, eco-friendly design as the fundamental principle, consideration of life cycle factors including manufacturing, packaging, and delivery, adoption of carbon emission reduction measures, and enhancement of green competitiveness.
  4. Promotion of responsible care, voluntary implementation of management standards, ongoing improvement of operating procedures, equipment and device maintenance, and prevention of environmental incidents and occupational accidents.
  5. Communication of environmental and occupational health and safety policies to suppliers and contractors, gradual implementation of green procurement and ESG management, and creation of beneficial effects for the environment and society.
  6. Caring for and valuing employees, the creation of a healthy and safe work environment characterized by diversity and equal rights, concern for the physical and mental well-being of employees, regular administration of employee health checks, and timely provision of assistance and treatment.
  7. Intensified communication and engagement with employees, suppliers, contractors, and stakeholders, raising of environmental and occupational health and safety awareness among employees, suppliers, and contractors through exchanges, communication, and training paired with implementation of environmental protection and workplace safety.
  8. Thorough implementation of environmental management and occupational health and safety management systems, assessment of potential environmental and occupational health and safety risks, setting of priority targets for improvements and formulation of action plans, definition of adequate indicators for tracking and monitoring of implementation results, and continuous improvement of environmental and occupational safety performance.

Environmentally Friendly Design

Through environmentally friendly design, the impact of products and processes on the environment can be effectively reduced. In addition to the obligation to comply with environmental regulations, we further analyze and assess significant environmental impact factors from a life cycle perspective. In 2022, the Company conducted a life cycle assessment of Fespixon® products in accordance with ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. We conduct a comprehensive inventory from the acquisition of raw materials, manufacturing, distribution and sale of products to their use and final recycling of waste. We also analyze the impact of each step on resource utilization, ecological impact, and human health. The relevant information is verified by a third party through SGS.


Green Procurement

Oneness Biotech supports green procurement, and prioritizes products with environmental protection labels. For four consecutive years from 2020 to 2023, we have been certified by the Pingtung County Government as a private enterprise with outstanding performance in green procurement. The amount of green procurement exceeds NTD 2 million per year and is increasing year by year, reaching NTD 4.87 million in 2023. We are promoting the development of green industries through practical actions.


EMS Internal Audits

An internal audit is performed once a year, during which personnel from across departments review the operation of the environmental system according to the principles of impartiality, objectivity, and independence. If anomalies or defects are found, the responsible unit will take corrective measures and complete them within a certain period of time. The latest internal audit was completed on December 8, 2023.

EMS External Verification

External professional review and communication will help to enhance the effective operation of the environmental management system. The Company regularly commissions an independent third-party organization to verify ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System. The most recent verification was completed in January 2024, and the certificate is valid until March 2027.


ISO 14040、ISO14044生命週期評估
ISO 14040、ISO 14044
Life Cycle Assessment
ISO 14001:2015環境管理系統證書
ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management Systems
(Expiry Date: Mar. 2027)
ISO 45001:2018職業健康與安全管理系統證書
ISO 45001:2018
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
(Expiry Date: Aug. 2027)

Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities

Top management shall assign and communicate the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles within the Plant to facilitate effective environmental management, and shall assign responsibilities and authorities for ensuring that the EMS conform to the requirements of international standard, and reporting on the performance of the EMS to top management.


Major Role Major Responsibilities and Authorities.
General Manager Approve the resource of the management system.
Deputy General Manager Review the implementation of the management system.
Assistant Manager Assist the General Manager and all departments to promote the management jobs.
Management Representative
  • Approve the manual, policies, objectives, targets and management plan.
  • Establish, implement and maintain the management system.
  • Hold management review meeting
  • Identify and allocate the required resource of the management system.
  • Prepare internal audit plan
  • Promote the participation of all employees in the plant
EHS department / Department Supervisor
  • Establish the environmental-management plan of each department.
  • Supervise the environmental performance of each department.
  • Ensure continual improvement and implementation of plans.
  • Designate the executors of departments and ensure that they are properly trained.
Document Management Center Be responsible for the preparation, registration, issuance and submission of the documents related to management system.
Employees / Temporary Workers
  • Meet the requirement of the management system
  • Understand the impact of personal work on EHS performance.
  • Obligation to suggestions on EHS performance improvement and system compliance.
Internal Auditors Implement the internal audit for the management system in accordance with the audit plan.



※The above content is taken from the ESG Report




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