Oneness Biotech specialize in the research and development of new drugs, our contributions focus on the “SDG 3: Health and well-being” dimension. However, in the process of material topic assessment, we have realized that our operating activities are closely intertwined with other SDGs. We have therefore carried out a comprehensive assessment of all operational dimensions to gain a clear understanding of the positive and negative impacts of our corporate actions on SDGs and thereby ensure conformity of our operations to SDG principles. The interconnectedness between material topics and SDGs is taken into consideration in the material topic identification process. SDG concepts are incorporated into the operation plans for the material topics, and strategies are formulated accordingly to maximize the beneficial effects of SDGs.
Good Health and Well-Being
The biotech and pharmaceutical industry is an important factor in promoting the health and well-being of humans. Oneness Biotech develops new drugs with science and innovation, provides affordable treatment for patients, protects the R&D results with a sound intellectual property management system, and creates value to be shared between Oneness Biotech and the society.
We have a workplace culture that values gender equality. In addition, the Board of Directors has a diverse and inclusive structure composed of both management and employees so that different voices can be heard during the decision-making process to enhance team cohesiveness between employees and thereby encourage growth of Company operation.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Employees’ safety and benefits are protected. The concept of “equal pay for equal work” is reflected in salaries. Complete employee development plans are in place to increase employees’ professional abilities, ensure proper career development, and promote sustainable economic growth.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Large amounts of resources have been put into technological innovation so as to develop high-quality, reliable, and sustainable new drugs, upgrade production equipment, improve manufacturing processes, and increase the efficiency of use of energy.
SDG 12
Responsible Consumption and Production
Based on an environmentally friendly design, our lead product, the FESPIXON® cream composed of botanical active pharmaceutical ingredients which are derived from plants with non-toxic organic cultivation. Moreover, manufacturing processes are subjected to life cyclebased reviews in order to gradually increase recycling and achieve the goal of zero pollution.
In face of the physical and transitional risks posed by climate change, Oneness Biotech has introduced the TCFD structure, verified its inventory of organization-level and product-level carbon footprints, and taken mitigation and adaption measures improve energy intensity and reduce carbon emissions.
SDG 16
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Operation with integrity is not only one of the social responsibilities of an enterprise, but also a cornerstone for sustainable operation. Oneness Biotech has established a good corporate governance and risk management mechanism, follows and complies with the global legal requirements, and endeavors to prevent any corruption and dishonest behaviors.